
Yes Really, Let Your Kids Be Bored – It’s Good For Them

When was the last time your child told you they were bored? The past hour? The past five minutes? Chances are it was pretty recently.

Most parents become pretty adept at staving off boredom with various distractions for their kids – whether that’s arts and crafts, imaginative play, video games or their favourite TV show.

But psychiatrist and author Dr Carl Marci says letting your kids figure out how to keep boredom at bay could be far more beneficial than stepping in for them.

When his children tell him he’s bored, for example, he’ll tell them it’s good for their brains to be bored. He’ll then urge them to go and figure out how to deal with it – but without technology or something connected to the internet.

“They get mad at me,” Dr Marci tells HuffPost UK, “but after a few minutes, they start to creatively solve their problems or distract themselves with social interaction or play.”

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