
Live: Budget a ‘missed opportunity’ on cost of living relief, Greens say

Coming up on Radio National…

Turn up the radio dial!

Sabra Lane on ABC Radio National is playing an earlier interview with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

That will be closely followed by a chat with Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.


Want to get the budget back in black? Bandt says more corporate tax is the solution

In his interview with ABC News Breakfast, Greens leader Adam Bandt said the government should target big corporations — particularly the fossil fuels industry.

“There’s talk about the Budget being in deficit,” he said.

“Well, look, as I say, when one in three big corporations pays no tax and in the coal and gas sector it’s closer to one in two.

“These corporations make billions of dollars every year and in many instances, they get their gas for free.

“That’s where we should have been looking for reform.

“How is it that one in three big corporations still pays no tax under Labor and Liberal?”

Greens: Budget a ‘missed opportunity’ on cost of living relief

We’re starting the morning off with Greens leader Adam Bandt.

Speaking with ABC News Breakfast, he said last night’s budget was a “big missed opportunity for some real cost of living relief”.

He’d have liked to see dental and mental health added to Medicare, and tax on big corporations. 

“You know, we still have a situation where a nurse can pay more tax than a multinational and we think that’s wrong,” he said.

“If we had the courage to make those big corporations pay more tax, make the billionaires pay their fair share of tax, then we could have delivered real cost-of-living relief for people.”


We’re talking all things budget today

Welcome to our day-after-budget-day blog!

It’s going to be a busy morning here as our political leaders jump about on breakfast television and radio to give their budget talking points.

Just a short while ago, we heard from Greens leader Adam Bandt on ABC News Breakfast. 

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton are both due to give interviews with Sabra Lane soon.

Stay tuned!

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