
Here’s How Often Kids Should Bathe, And Why It’s About More Than Just The Smell

When it comes to bathing little ones, nobody can seem to agree on how often we should be doing it. Lots of parents swear by a nightly bath to help keep kids squeaky clean and settle them before bed.

Others don’t want to be dealing with the stress of that – especially those with toddlers who spend 15 minutes coaxing them into the bath, to then spend a further 15 minutes coaxing them out afterwards.

Some parents will bath (or shower) their kids every other night. Others once or twice a week. While some, like actors Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, will wait until their kids are physically grubby – or ‘wait for the stink’ like Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell – to show them the tub.

It seems there’s no right or wrong answer here. But for those who are relying on a single wash each week – because water bills and the environment and time – rest assured, it’s not doing them any harm.

In fact, bathing daily could be more of a problem, because some studies have found it can lead to dry and irritated skin.

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