
Do you live in a high-risk area? Tell us how you’ve managed home insurance payments

Do you live in a high-risk area? Tell us how you’ve managed home insurance payments

Australians are no strangers to extreme weather events, but as they become more frequent as a result of climate change, insurance premiums are shooting up in some areas.

It leaves home owners vulnerable to mammoth increases, pushing some to make the difficult choice of being underinsured or going without insurance altogether.

If you live in a high-risk area, or have recently found yourself in one, we want to know how you’re coping with home insurance payments. 

Have you had issues with getting a good deal? Have you decided on renovating to weatherproof your home? Or have you decided on uprooting and selling altogether? Tell us your story.

If you don’t live in a high-risk area but still observe unreasonable increases, we want to hear from you as well. 

Our journalists may be in touch about your submission for either a TV, radio, digital, or social media story.

We’ll be using submissions to give us an understanding of what’s happening in the community and to inform our coverage on the topic.


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