
Cleaning guru Mrs Hinch rushed to hospital with a blood clot three weeks after giving birth

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Mrs Hinch has been rushed to hospital just three weeks after giving birth, she told her Instagram followers on Thursday in a new health update.

The cleaning guru, aka Sophie Hinchliffe, 35, took to her Story to film a video from her hospital bed explaining what had happened.

Dressed in a hopsital gown, she told the camera: ‘I’m not really sure where to start with this week guys. 

‘I’ve actually bumped into quite a few followers in hospital. So I just thought I’d update you a bit because I share a lot with you here. The good, the bad and the ugly.

‘Anyway to cut a long story short, I had a blood clot in my groin, pelvis, leg area. I haven’t had one since 2018 and then another one decides to hit me three weeks postpartum. What a 12 months it’s been.’

Shee got emotional as she continued: ‘But I can only imagine what’s going on in this hospital above me, below me, and I’m just, I’m not moaning. 

Cleaning guru Mrs Hinch rushed to hospital with a blood clot three weeks after giving birth

Mrs Hinch has been rushed to hospital just three weeks after giving birth, she told her Instagram followers on Thursday in a new health update

‘I’m just sort of updating because I bumped into some really lovely followers in A&E. They were helping me, they were like Soph what are you doing here?’

‘I was like girls I think I’ve got a blood clot in my leg. I was right. But keeping positive, the operation went well. They managed to go in through my leg. They didn’t go in through my neck in the end.

Sophie explained: ‘They hoovered out the blood clot, hoovered my stents out, they’ve literally hoovered me which is ironic isn’t it.

‘I think I’ve still got quite a lot of painkillers or anaesthetic in my system because I’m probably not making much sense but I’ve had a few messages saying Soph, why are you in the hospital?’

She reassured: ‘I just wanted to say I’m alright, all good. I can hopefully go home tomorrow. I can go home tomorrow, they’ve said I can and I cannot wait to smell my boys. Pick up Vinnie, that newborn smell.

‘Oh my God, I swear I’m getting withdrawal symptoms from him like, my boobs.’

Sophie added that she’s had a ‘lovely Facetime’ with her boys and should be back home in her ‘newborn bubble’ tomorrow.

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