
Doctor Who auction raises £245k for Children in Need

Danny Fullbrook

BBC News, Buckinghamshire

Doctor Who auction raises £245k for Children in NeedBBC/Propstore A blue TARDIS is sat next to a bronze and scarred DalekBBC/Propstore

A TARDIS prop made £12,600 and a Dalek sold for £16,380

An auction of Doctor Who props and costumes raised £245,243 for Children in Need.

Auctioneer Propstore, based in Chenies, Buckinghamshire, said more than 2,000 global fans and collectors bid on more than 170 lots.

The biggest earner was a Dalek – used on screen for actress Jodie Whittaker’s final episode as the doctor – which sold for £16,380.

Stephen Lane, founder and chief executive of Propstore, was delighted and said: “From Doctors to Daleks, the dedication and passion of Doctor Who fans supporting this auction has been second to none.”

Doctor Who auction raises £245k for Children in NeedA close up of a Monda A Mondasian Cyberman which looks vaguely steampunk with a material like face. It has large silver headpiece and light-up box on its chestA close up of a Monda

A Mondasian Cyberman costume from the show’s 2017 series was bought for £15,120

A TARDIS prop used in a biographical film about the creation of Doctor Who, called An Adventure in Space and Time, sold for £12,600.

Parts of a Cyberman costume, from one of actor Peter Capaldi’s last stories, fetched £15,120.

Doctor Who brand director Vanessa Hamilton said: “We’re so incredibly proud of the results of this auction and to support BBC Children in Need.

“It’s amazing to be able to share parts of Doctor Who with the fan community, and we hope they enjoy owning a piece of TV history.”

Doctor Who auction raises £245k for Children in NeedPropstore Headless mannequins wearing costumes are stood together in a line. The first has a tuxedo used by David Tennant, the second is wearing a costume used by Jodie Whittaker, a third is one used by Matt Smith and a fourth is a Peter Capaldi costume.Propstore

Costumes used by Doctor Who stars David Tennant, Jodie Whittaker, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi sold at the auction

Several costumes were also sold – including a wedding dress for £4,410, used by actress Catherine Tate playing Donna Noble – but the highest earner was an outfit belonging to Whittaker which sold for £9,920.

A hand-painted recreation of Van Gogh’s “Thatched Cottages at Cordeville, 1890”, used in a popular episode with actor Matt Smith secured £8,190.

Several statues depicting popular monsters, including the Weeping Angels, a foe that first appeared in 2007, were also sold at the auction.

But the highest earning one, was a bust that won £6,930 after 37 bids.

Doctor Who auction raises £245k for Children in NeedPA Media A woman is holding a decapitated Cyberman head next to a weeping Angel statue which is missing wins and a left hand.PA Media

A Cyberman head used in a book during the Matt Smith era fetched £10,540

Doctor Who had a long association with Children in Need.

In 1983, the show’s 25th anniversary episode aired as part of the fundraising programme.

Tommy Nagra, director of content at BBC Children in Need said: “The Doctor Who family have been long-time friends of the charity and we are so thrilled to see them come together once again to support BBC Children in Need”.

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