Australia politics live: PM to mark anniversary of apology to Stolen Generations; right to disconnect cut unpaid overtime by a billion hours

Key events
Goverment says nuclear power would require an extra Sydney Harbour’s worth of water a year
Environment minister Tanya Plibersek is also asked about this story that my colleague Dan Jervis-Bardy has this morning.
Government analysis supplied to Guardian Australia suggests the Coalition’s plan to replace retired coal-fired power stations with nuclear power plants would require an additional 508,000 megalitres each year.
How much is that? Plibersek says it’s a lot:
It’s about an extra Sydney Harbour’s worth of water that we would have to find every year, and we’ve seen already overseas in Europe, for example, in hot, dry years, nuclear reactors having to be shut down or reduce their production capacity because the water isn’t there, and when the water is used in those nuclear reactors, it’s released into the environment and warmer than it normally would be, and that obviously has environmental impacts all of its own.
Dan’s gone through all the numbers and you can see the full story here:
Are the electoral reforms a ‘stitch up’ as the independents say?
Cabinet minister Tanya Plibersek told ABC News Breakfast earlier the reforms passed last night with the support of the Coalition help get big money and big donors like Clive Palmer (who also yesterday lost his high court bid to re-register his party, the United Australia Party).
The rules apply equally to any candidate, and they say that we don’t want billionaires running our electoral system. The reforms have come after a great deal of consultation, many parliamentary reports, community consultation and work with other parties and the crossbench.
The argument from the independents is that for new challengers, they’ve got $800,000 while a party has up to $90m which they can use for national ad campaigns.
Either way, these reforms won’t be in place this election, they’ll come into effect for the following one around 2028.
Good morning,
Krishani Dhanji here with you on the last sitting day of the fortnight, we’ve made it.
This is one of the last, or possibly the last sitting day before the election. Last night’s deal between the Coalition and Labor on electoral reform was one of the key policies the government was hoping to secure before we head to the polls, after passing a bill to legislation production tax credits earlier this week.
As we’ve been reporting this morning, the prime minister will soon deliver a speech in parliament at a breakfast, marking 17 years since Kevin Rudd’s apology to the Stolen Generations.
And no doubt Donald Trump’s tariffs will continue dominating the agenda – here and abroad.
It’s going to be a big one!
Right to disconnect laws found to have reduced unpaid overtime by a third
Workers are doing less unpaid work since right to disconnect laws kicked in, Australian Associated Press reports.
But unions warn that scrapping the measure would add 100 minutes of overtime each week for which employees aren’t compensated.
Under the laws, which came into effect for most workers in August 2024, employees are allowed to reasonably refuse to respond during out of work hours.
Analysis by the Centre for Future Work found since the laws were introduced, the amount of unpaid overtime fell from 5.4 to 3.6 hours a week – a 33% reduction.
Before the right to disconnect was introduced, average wage earners in Australia completed about 3.3bn hours of unpaid work, with that figure dropping down to 2.2bn.
Young Australians aged 18 to 29 experienced the greatest decline in unpaid work.
The opposition leader, Peter Dutton, has pledged to wind back the laws. The ACTU secretary, Sally McManus, said this was “astounding”.

Josh Butler
More on the PM’s upcoming speech today:
Rudd’s apology on 13 February 2008 “could not have happened without your courage”, Albanese will tell survivors.
“Nor would we have had the annual report card that is Closing the Gap. Yet like the Freedom Ride, it was the target of controversy and hostile opposition. The power of hindsight only serves to render that opposition even more baffling,” he will say.
The prime minister’s remarks do not mention opposition leader Peter Dutton by name, but Albanese and Labor have regularly criticised him for his decision to walk out of the apology in parliament in 2008.
“Those, like John Howard, who argued it would divide were wrong. Australians were united in a moment of fundamental decency,” Albanese will say of the apology.
He will also announce the federal government will extend the Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme to 30 June 2028 – which he said “means we will be able to continue to accept applications from Stolen Generations survivors for an additional 18 months, bringing it more into line with state redress schemes in place”.

Josh Butler
Albanese to give speech marking anniversary of apology to Stolen Generations
Prime minister Anthony Albanese will this morning praise survivors of the Stolen Generations in a speech at an anniversary event in Canberra.
Albanese will tell the breakfast at Parliament House, marking 17 years since Kevin Rudd’s apology to Indigenous people removed from their families, that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must “have the same choices as non-Indigenous Australians”.
“An Australia in which the government works carefully with you towards a future in which Indigenous Australians have the economic security of a job and a home,” Albanese will say, according to an advance copy of his remarks.
“What guides my government every day is the instinct to ensure all Australians get the same chance in life. To work towards the reality in which all Australians have power over their destiny. And this all began when you – and all survivors – through patience, persistence and grace at last found your nation was ready to hear your hard truths.”
Good morning and welcome to our live news blog. I’m Martin Farrer with some of our best overnight stories before Krishani Dhanji takes over.
The share of wealth held by Australia’s bottom 40% has fallen significantly in two decades while 3.3 million people live below the poverty line, according to a damning report by researchers at Monash University that found inequalities across wealth, housing, health and education were worsening. Australia now has proportionately more people below the poverty line than Canada and the UK, and education outcomes were widening between richer and poorer children.
The prime minister is due to say this morning that the national apology to the Stolen Generations made by Kevin Rudd in 2008 was a day “that mattered in the life of our nation”. At a breakfast in Canberra, Anthony Albanese will say: “Of all my days in parliament on which I look on with great pride, it remains the day of which I remain proudest.” More coming up.
The Australian, UK-based human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson has called for an investigation into the English prosecution service decision to charge Sam Kerr, calling it an “attack on free speech”. Robertson said “no one in their right mind” believed that Kerr’s actions could have justified a prison sentence yet the case still reached crown court in a criminal justice system “in chaos” because of years of underfunding.
And the ACTU have fired up in defence of the right to disconnect laws, which the Coalition say they will scrap, but which the unions say have saved Australians from working a billion hours of unpaid work. More on that soon.